Wireless Internet HotspotsPh: 0861-BUTTON


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New & Improved Hotspot Site Listing

We've been grinding away at various efforts to improve our services over the last few months. Some of these efforts are now coming into fruition and the first of these is the updated and standardized Hotspot Site Listing.

If you point your browser to www.redbutton.co.za and click on the Sites button you'll see something completely different to before.

Some of the enhancements include the following:

  • Uniformity in display (e.g. logos have standard dimensions).
  • The end user rate & any free wifi allowance is displayed (please see further commentary on this below).
  • Essentials are displayed, such as the address, including city, province & country.
  • Each store in a chain is individually displayed along with its above mentioned essentials.
  • The status is displayed - this is whether the hotspot is online or not, note hotspots that are offline for longer than 3 days are automatically removed from RedButton Hotspot Site Listing to avoid pointing end users to locations they temporarily cannot use.
  • Powered By field - RedButton uses the services of a variety of selected companies to provide you with the quality of service you deserve, in some cases we list some of these companies.
Some aspects to note:
  • We only list publicly accessible hotspots, that is hotspots where you could realistically access the venue and use the service within the venue. We have many private hotspots but choose only to market their availability to residents that live within these sites.
  • We have a limited number of authorized third party companies that use RedButton's services to power their hotspots, such sites are currently not listed.
Further commentary on end user rate - average cost per Megabyte

Please note that when a free wifi privilege is enabled at a hotspot, your average cost per Megabyte will never match the advertised end user rate, it will be lower.

Let's consider a particular example, at Constantia Village Mall you get 10MB free per day, so the first 10MB costs you nothing, thereafter you pay 60c per Megabyte. Now let's say on a particular day you use 20MB, given that the first 10MB was free, you would have used a total of 20MB and used up 600c worth of credit, so your effective average rate for that session is 600c / 20MB = 30c per MB. Similarly, if you only used 1MB after your first 10MB, your effective average cost per Megabyte is 60c / 11MB = 5.5c per Megabyte. Naturally your effective cost per Megabyte is a figure that changes over time.

Now all this may be confusing, and it is, so in the near future we will be providing you with a report in the Account Manager that calculates your average cost per Megabyte in real time. If you have ever used one of our hotspots with free wifi privileges, you might be surprised to find that you are paying a lot less than you think.

Thanks for listening,

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