Wireless Internet HotspotsPh: 0861-BUTTON


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

View From The Top - Marking 2 Years of Service at The Tudor Hotel

The Tudor Hotel, primely situated in Cape Town's historic Greenmarket Square, is the oldest hotel in Cape Town and probably one of the oldest in South Africa. It is also RedButton's first client with the initial installation having taken place two years ago in December 2005.

The photo below is a great view of Greenmarket square, taken from the top of The Tudor Hotel. Credit for the photo goes to Neal Tosefsky, outbound logistics manager at RedButton.

As an aside, with the hotel having been built in 1870, that means we've had it covered for 2 years of its 137 year life span. Since we're on history and since 2 out of 137 doesn't sound that great let's try to put the 2 year span in context.

The Internet became commercially available in South Africa in the mid 90s with the Internet Service Providers' Association being formed in 1996. Although WiFi was born in 1991, broadband only truly became available in South Africa in early 2003 with Telkom releasing ADSL. So effectively we've had the Tudor Hotel covered for 2 out of 5 years possible years, a statement that tells a different story.

To this day the Tudor continues to enjoy the high service levels, competent customer support and ongoing system improvements that have established RedButton as the leading hotspot service provider in South Africa.

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