Wireless Internet HotspotsPh: 0861-BUTTON


Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's got something to do with rockets

We get asked about our company name from time to time and so in this post talk about its origins. Asking how we came to choose RedButton as our company name is a fair question. After all, we are a WiFi hotspot company and there are an infinite number of other concoctions we could have come up with that more clearly indicate that we are in the wireless Internet business.

The origin's of the name RedButton stems back from Nico's post-grad days (Nico is one of RedButton's co-founders). Red Button Solutions was the generic name given to a software house that was to develop mobile applications for smart phones. The idea of starting this firm was put on ice and revived at least once but never truly got off the ground. The initial attraction to a red button was that a red button would generally indicate that something of note would occur once pressed. As an example buttons that launch rockets tend to be red and anybody that has seen a Soyuz rocket launch would attest to the momentousness of the occasion.

When RedButton was in its infancy, its founders debated what the name should be, in the end it was between WiTech and RedButton. We thought the former would just be another random company name and in particular be difficult to remember. We chose RedButton and have never looked back.

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